Dear Roshesh                                         

I met you again yesterday. Was not able to sleep so just scrolled through some YouTube videos and there you were.

I have always loved your innocent smile and those lively poetry sessions. I must say your intonation gives your poetry its charm. And what’s commendable is, how dedicated you are towards your craft.

I know how Sahil and Indrawadhan teased you on the release of your book. Can’t forget the day when they made you sit over for drinks and bashed out on you. You were hurt but the very next day you were back to writing poetry.

You taught me to fall in love with one’s art even though it seems imperfect to others. I know about your imperfect shows where the audience would leave in between. But you didn’t stop and that’s the reason you get my love. You made me realise that we create art for ourselves first.  And to anyone who says your poems are torture. Let me tell them, your poems are more popular then so many well-known poet’s.

And when you fell in love with Jasmine, your mother (Maya) never liked her. You were still persistent. You were sure about her. Isn’t that what we all do? We go for the things we love because we just know that they are right for us. You knew jasmine was the one for you, you knew that poetry was your thing. And even if the world opposed, you never left loving the things that were yours.

Over the years I have realised that its very difficult to find things or people who our soul feels at home with. Yes, it’s difficult to find happiness but once you find it, you need to stick to it. Because that’s what makes you unique. Because that’s what makes you, you. And you have a very big role in making me realise that. Thank you for being you.

You know, I write poetry too. And I don’t know if I write good poetry or not. All I know is that I will stick to it.  As you taught me that the matters of the heart are not decided but pursued.

Love you
Swati Khatri
A poet who would like her poetry
to be as famous as yours 😊



in a series of events.

The legend himself read the letter and replied on Twitter. 

Thank you sir  🙂




Banner picture courtesy Miss Malini